
Just got back from Berjaya Times Square... A big but still kinda deserted place...

Anyway, Rudy had an extra ticket to watch Robots at the IMAX theater... The place that's suppose to show 3D movies...

The screen is about 5x bigger (according to them) and curved (for that 3D effect) although Robots is a 2D movie... Although I sat somewhere in the middle, the screen was so big, I could see the movie very detailed... kinda...

Anyway, the movie was good... I still think that Shrek and Shrek 2 are still tops... The incredibles is also better... Robots is like a movie that passes by... remembering it may be something else...

Going for a little regatta tomorrow... Huggles!

1 bites:

Nads said...

Didn't tell me you were going


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