Look out, below!!!

11th day of work... Friday, meaning, that today's operation hours is until 10 pm (1 hour longer than usual...) Teamed up with Derek again, and initially, we opt to do the Tinkerbell/Peter Pan booth... But shortly after, we were assigned to do the registration/reception for today... the last time I did that was last Friday :p

Anyway, everything was normal till about 9.20 pm... I was chatting with Derek and one of the Jusco employees, when we heard a loud crash... I looked over to my shoulder, thinking that one of the backdrop of machine fell down...

But apparently, a metal shutter fell from the 2nd floor above, right into our play area on the ground floor... exactly into our Tinkerbell booth... Thank goodness I didn't do that booth afterall... Also, fortunately nobody got hurt, as there was no children in the play area at that time... But it did send us all a tinge of paranoia especially when looking upwards... YIkes... and I may be doing that booth tomorrow...

1 bites:

Nads said...

OoOoOo... near death experience


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