
On the trip back from Rompin, I kept thinking of what I'll write about it in here... I summed up the whole experience as bittersweet for me...

Finally going somewhere with my friends...
Got a nice black 100% cotton T-shirt, embroided with the actuary symbol and UiTM... for RM20
Saw a wild pig in the school grounds on saturday... XD I wish i brought my camera...
Saturday night BBQ... splendid!
Saturday night on the beach... such a clear sky... i've never seen so many stars at night in my life so far... the night sky was totally beautiful
Shopping... not really...

The missing bus... waited for three hours till it was announced that no bus was scheduled to take us there... but luckily they manage to get one 4 hours later...
The noisy bunch... I don't even know whether I'd call them seniors, but they just won't keep their voices down... throughout the whole trip...
The heat... it was very very hot, especially when the power supply got cut...
The planning... although I find the planning of the trip personally unfavorable, kudos to those who managed to pull everything together, and made the trip a success
The trash talk... By those who didn't do anything, but complain about the people who did, even though there were blunders... i mean, if u can do better, why didn't u step up to do the work yourself?
Feeling dejected and rejected... In a way, I can't wait to xxxxx xxxx...
The scary thoughts in my head.... *shivers*

Frankly, the moment I arrived at Rompin, I couldn't wait to go home... XD
But I don't ever regret joining the facilitators of the trip... It's unforgettable ;)

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