Confusions, confusions

Amidst all talk... So much confusion has came about... However, I don't believe it... I can't believe the denial.. I may have been confused myself, but no... I don't think so.. I always try to be as frank as possible... when it comes to serious matters, of course...

It's really unbelievable to me... But I think she's right... If only I knew what was happening.. if only I knew... Meh, was kept in the dark afterall... As of this moment, I just don't want to care anymore.. I give in... Go ahead and say that I lied and such... I believe in myself, and those who knows me well would believe me too, thanks...

Oh well, anyway, things are finally improving... except my laziness to do homework, as usual o.o

Health is finally improving, I'm finally able to put that messed up friendship behind, now that I know the truth.., blood test results were awesome, but the scan didn't come too clean... got a syndrome of something, but since it didn't correlate with the blood results, so it's nothing serious... for now :D as for the fatigue, low blood pressure and such i've been suffering.. most likely because of the messed up body system of mine *cough* and the stress I've been facing...

Thanks again, to my friends, who still stood by me... I love you guys so much, you're everything to me, the reason I go on =)

I will definitely meet you all one day x

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