The Illusionist and Lindt Chocolate Cafe

So today's the 31st of March. I've made plans to meet Lachlan in town for a movie and also meet my housemates for ice chocolates at the Lindt Chocolate Cafe. It was yummy!

Ok, so met up with Lachie at 8.30 AM at Central.. as I arrived there and didn't see him around, I looked into Hungry Jack's to see if he's lining up to grab a burger, as he always does before this :P He saw me checking out the restaurant for him xD

Watched the 10.30 AM show for the Illusionist. I enjoyed it a lot, good movie!

After the movie, we went for chocolate!!! Met up with Sindy, Hui Chien and Sheera near Market St, but it took them awhile, since the variety of shops there has a greater attraction.. XD

Here's Sheera, Sindy and Hui Chien in the Lindt Chocolate Cafe. YUM!

Lachlan, being the only male and only Caucasian definite was the odd one out. But it was fun, nevertheless.. xD He learnt some Malay words =D

And also, the usually awkward question came out again. "How did you guys meet, actually?" We just looked at each other, and I just burst out laughing... I know most guys would never want to say that they actually played what Lachlan calls a "kids game"...*kicks* *stares at some people* :P

Another funny bit was when we're talking about our age.. They were shocked to learn that Lachlan is only 17 yrs old, and we're all 20 and above xD

After Lindt, Lachie and I walked around the harbour.. as we were crossing this bridge on the harbour, the bridged was closed of for awhile to supposedly make way for a ship to pass =o *but no ship was sighted* but anyhow, it was my first time seeing a bridge move.. so I kinda got excited XD
As it moves.. xD

Ok, stop laughing at me :P

We didn't do much then, but we just talked and talked, and caught up with a lot of things since we last met, since we've both been pretty occupied, me with uni and him with work.

Around five or so, as it was getting dark, went home from Central Station, this time, him seeing me off, rather than me seeing him off as he takes the train. I took the bus home. Reaching home, apparently my housemates weren't even back yet, rofl. See how girls can shop xD

On the way home, I came across this big advert on a building.

It reminded me of someone :P

Also, it was Earth Hour today... where we're encouraged to turn every light/electric off for one hour to raise awareness for Global Warning... It didn't seem like a lot of people did it, tho

Had dinner with Wei Hon, his brother (Wei Liam), his bro's gf (Aivy), his flatmate (Lawrence), and his flatmate's gf (Lily)... Damn spicy food xD

Another long day..

Sunday is rest day! xD

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