Sun, sun and more sun~

A weekend regatta at RSYC
Went sailing on the platu for the first time... To me, it's almost like an oversized 470... How I miss sailing the 470... Somehow, I just need a tall & heavy crew... ;-)

There were five of us on Platu 2-
Me, Justin & Sing Theng - The ex-optimists sailors, as they call us
Dominic Liddell - Our skipper, fun, fun and more fun
Colin - Day 1 tactician, I'm not sure whether I got his name right...
Leslie - Day 2 ballast, it was his first time sailing, I'm sure he had fun :-)

We had four races and one pursuit race back to the clubhouse. It was a great achievement, i think, as we finished: 3 2 1 2 3

Overall: 2nd

It was quite funny the way the adults argue about the rules among each other and how some skippers curse and raise their voices towards their crew...

There's a lot more to say, actually, but I'm to lazy to place all the details... maybe there're more details in myuu's blog...

Now... to look for breakfast and to apply the after-sun lotion... i'm glad i'm not burning red... sunblock is always a must for me at sea

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