Zaid xiansheng jintian zai : Boleh cancel class tak?

No strokes to clarify the tones... dunno how to do...


When I woke up today, all I thought was that it is another normal Monday in my 2 and a half months of holiday... Todays agenda went through like this:

Lunch > Class at 2.30 pm > Dinner > Class at 8.30 pm

and of course, neopets, tv and other things in between...

The slight difference, I thought, was that I was going for help tutor Shalyn (Zaid's sis-in-law's youngest sis) at Hartamas at K Tasha's (Zaid's sis-in-law) house because apparently Shalyn was supposed to have a dental appointment in Hartamas...

So I thought, no problem.. I've been there before... so it wasn't such a big deal for me... I'm quite familiar with that place anyway...

On the way to Hartamas, it started to rain... I was already slightly behind schedule, that K Tasha even called me to ask me where I was... 'I'm arriving soon' was my reply, and I thought that she may think that I got lost...

When I finally arrived, and almost went into the wrong house *grin*, I was trying to get my umbrella when I saw K Tasha with an umbrella on her lawn... I waved at her, signalling that I'll be fine with my umbrella, so I tried to get my things together: bag and some chemistry notes that I got from my tution in form 5... Even as I got out of my car with the umbrella and pouring rain, I couldn't find my keys pulak to lock the door... Found it in my bag =D

Then I entered, the house, said hi and salam to K Tasha, then placed my stuff at the dining table... Then I looked around the house... trying to recall what I did the last time I went there... K Tasha went upstairs to call "Shalyn" down, and I was told she was in the toilet kejap...

The next thing I remembered was hearing a guy's voice saying Boleh cancel class tak? I looked up to see this tall guy in a cap and shades, wearing jeans and a faded t-shirt... Funny... =D I just stared at him... No words came out from me, but in my mind, there were millions of questions going through my head: Who is this guy? Is this Ya' (Zaid's brother & K Tasha's hubby)? No... he's too skinny to be him... Is this Shalyn's boyfriend or friend? Does he already have plans with her?

Hehehe... the questions may seem outrageous to many... the guy asked again whether class could be cancelled... I just responded by staring blankly at him... Even K Tasha was amused to see my reaction... Only then did he take off his shades and said 'Can't recognize me?' with a mischievous grin... I still kept quiet... By this time, I was staring in disbelief... 'It was his idea, there is no class...', said K Tasha just after the guy said, 'It's me, Zaid!'.

I guess, most people would respond my screaming, laughing, crying, overjoyed and all... I was just staring, trying to get the realness of the situation in... My mind was telling me, it's real! Zaid's standing in front of me... But somehow, it was so unbelievable...

After the truth finally sank in, all the details and pieces to the puzzle were revealed... There was no class, no dentist appointment, even no Shalyn in the house... He just arrived Malaysia at noon, and reached the house at 2 p.m., 30 minutes before my arrival... The conspiracy consisted of Zaid, K Tasha and Shalyn... I have to admit, I had no clue, no suspicions, completely unaware, that the surprise worked! Well done all of you! =p

Up till now, I still feel like I'm dreaming...

The surprise was followed by distribution of the goodies that Zaid brought back from the states... mostly food and dvds(why am I not surprised?)... Chatted for awhile, as this was the time I gathered all my answers about the surprise... Then I took Zaid to 1Utama for a snack... Ended up at A&W, some shops (i'm still hunting for a black shirt) and mph...

Then we headed to my place, greeted by t3trino (lil bro) at his computer... When he saw us come in, he was like, 'Zaaaaaiddddd!!!!'... I guess people would expect me to react that way =p Shortly after, Zaid attacked my computer... I guess changing back from broadband to dial-up connection was something he wasn't looking forward to... HA HA! Next, he met myuu (big bro) and my mom...

At 6 p.m., I send him back to K Tasha's place, because his next agenda was surprising his mom... I would've joined in, but I had mandarin class to go to... And just for the record, I had the impression, complete with flight details, that Zaid would be coming back to Malaysia in July...

There are a lot more details, but I can't remember them for the time being... you have to ask me myself *grin*
Besides, the post is getting too long... that it'll look to much like an essay, which is one thing that I'm trying to avoid...

Nevertheless... I'm sooooooo happy *still grinning*
Looks like I've something, or rather, someone to look forward to seeing now... =^_^=

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