A lazy Sunday...

Spent the morning on neopets :D Created a new banner with the help of faustus... Tee hee hee...

Now I wish I can enter the banner for the big giveaway... :D But I can't award myself a prize :p

By the way, I went to college to register my room... I got the same old room and the same old bed that I've been having for the last two semesters... I hope this time, the traffic outside my room will notice the bump on the road and stop making to much noise when approaching that bump...

I also met up with Fhad and Shairah, and a few other acquaintances, while registering the residential college with Nads... Then I headed home... hehehe... I don't think I want to stay much in college, but I still want my room just in case :D

Now I better check my course schedule... Classes are starting tomorrow, yet I have no clue yet what time my classes are ;)

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