12 days

I didn't realized that I haven't posted for a long time... Long enough to get a nudge from Nads concerning my blog (It is usually I who badgers her about posting)

But it's already kinda late today, and i spent the whole of my tuesday in bed, asleep and missing class... oh how i hate getting sick...

anyway, feeling better now, but i better go sleep... i have a morning class... hopefully will post at the end of the week...

1 bites:

Anonymous said...

Hi my name's Tony, i'm new to this blog stuff im just surfing around and found your blog....nice little one it is too...mine is still a work in progress,as most of my time goes on my direct satellite tv
related site direct satellite tv is a passion. of mine..lol .I know direct satellite tv as a passion is a bit sad..but there u you go...what can i say? i am sad..lol


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