Over the weekend...

I didn't go sailing... I had a quiz scheduled on Monday, then my lecturer postponed it :K

Went back to college on Sunday, and all the stories from the Rompin trip emerged... At least I'm not too affected by these stories this time, mostly because I'm in Shah ALam... :p

I decided not to go to the dinner... and then decided to go to the dinner on Sunday... Sunday night, I decided i didn't want to go, afterall, especially when my nose is looking like a chipsmore cookie... Today, I bought a ticket to go to that dinner afterall... (yeah, I know I'm very fickle)
Perhaps if none of my friends go, I might just burn the ticket... *sigh* it cost me RM55

Now I'm missing my online friends... I love the chats we have together, and I really wish one day I'll be able to meet them for real... :) *hugs them very much*

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