Finals, finals, finals~!

Many people won't believe this: I've NOT started studying for my finals yet... First paper is on Wednesday, but i'm still at home, while all my study notes, lectures, etc is kept in my room at college... And after five semesters of studying, only whose who really knows me well, would know that I really haven't studied yet... and i don't care whether u believe it or not :p

So... I'm in the middle of packing... hoping to stay in college for two weeks straight to study intensively for my finals... Quite frankly, I'm starting to feel nervous and a bit intimidated to face my four papers, which are scheduled so close to each other... Example, I have Operations Research on Saturday, and Applied Statistics on Sunday... *must they be on weekends??* :K:K:K *grr*

After that, I'll be working for two days... and I've not yet resolved my make-up learning issue... I've no idea when is the next time i'll be online, so don't spam my scratch board *glares at tetrino and peanut*

With that said, have a good time, and hope to see everyone soon :)


2 bites:

Baiti al-Jannati said...

Can i offer advice for the makeup part..? I think u should really master eyeliners first..cuz they make HUGE difference..! I've only come to wear them fairly recently, and i think Nads is hooked too..! The eyes looks so much wider and noticeable..nice..

Ayin said...

thanks b :)

i'll look for u :D


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