
Random funnies that happened today.

It's the last class for macroeconomics tutorial... and our tutor came back after a two week absence since he went for a conference, and another tutor took his place.

In today's class, he asked

"How was the other tutor, Andrea? Is she harsh?"

Half of the class burst out laughing... Our class actually had more guys than girls... and our tutor is one who can't pronounce English well... (eg, Nazreen is pronounced as Naureen by him). Apparently, they thought he said:

"Is she hot?"

And one of the guys shouted out "Yeah, I think she's hot!"


When he mentioned where he was during the conferences, that is, Athens and Paris, someone asked:

"Who paid for it?"

"The uni"

"So that's where my money went!"


Another incident, was with a friend of mine.. she was telling me how bad Monday has been due to one embarrassing situation.. she was relaying it to me over lunch (noodles at the cafe), then she accidentally hit her chopsticks which was half in the soup, and if flew up, splashing a bit... I just couldn't stop laughing... And when she went to buy a drink after withdrawing some money (thus getting big notes and she needed to pay me back what I lent her over lunch), she took the change and totally forgot about the drink... until about 30 minutes later... xD

She still got the drink anyways =)

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