It happens.

Shit happens. (Bad things)

Love happens. (Good things)

That's like, the opposite ends of the things in life. Ahaha. Sometimes, things happen, that you have no control of. Sometimes you do.

Regardless, it's always a series of change, that we change and grow. Whether we grow to become who we are, or become someone that we're not. Frankly I don't know how one defines itself. What is one's identity.

Over the course of life, and up to now, I've seen a lot of change. In other people and also myself. Looking back, I realize that there's so much things in life, that I thought wouldn't have impact me in anyway and that I'd still be myself, did have an impact on me afterall.

And then I wonder, if me changing, is me becoming someone I'm not, or am I just growing?
Who am I?

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