Diving, so scary x)

I dived. For the first time ever, I scuba dived around the Norman Reef, off Cairns x)

It was damn scary, the feeling of not being able to communicate except by hand signals, breathing through a tank that weighed like DAMN heavy, being far away from the surface (maybe not that far, but still xD) is overall freaky.

Mum was gonna do the intro dive as well, but she reached about one metre underwater to the metal bar before she decided it's enough and went back up. Both myuu and I were more than worried for her x) and kinda glad that she did experience going underwater for a bit before coming back up =)

On the way to the water tho, with a heavy tank on my back, I was stepping down to the water, and after making one step, another diver was gonna sit on a step, so his tank was dropped on my right toes X.X It hurt. like mad o_o

Diving was scary. For sure. But after that it got better, with the instructor, Vili guiding me at the start.. I kinda found it hard to keep level x) Initially I kept sinking, then the next thing I know I kept going up XD

The Norman Reef wasn't really special tho, and seems like we should've dived at the Outer Reef, near that sea cliff x)

Then at night we got lost in the city, looking for the travel agent that was pretty helpful and informative. Who said that Cairns was a small town? x)

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