This week in a nutshell & injured ;o

Yesterday was the last day of summer officially, but man it's already cold!

I was freezing at sea o_o and I bled.. twice. My knee hit hard the side of the coach's boat where there were little bolts, and bled. Now it's swollen.

Also during sailing, during one of the tacks, one of the sailors elbowed me right at my mouth.. xD Ouchies.. it bled a bit, but it's alright. I could just taste the blood for awhile ;p

During the weekdays, pretty much I just went jalan-jalan a bit.. But the highlight was Thursday, where I went to the DFO in Homebush with Pann Pann...

Man.. I splurged o_o I shopped.
Backpacks, clothes, dresses.... omg, hahahaha dresses xD

Anuar, don't click this, else, you'll see your birthday present:

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