I'm not a perfect person

Lately, I when I listen to music, I'm beginning to listen to the lyrics and the meaning behind them. Some reflect lives, some portray dreams, while some also inspire me to go on and such.

Anyhow, not being a person who used to listen to music or even have a radio when I was a kid, I couldn't appreciate music and their ability to 'touch our hearts'. While there's still a lot I don't know about the music entertainment, there's some that I listen to lately and have it stuck in my head for awhile :D So now when I blog, I'm gonna post the song that's stuck in my head for some reason (inspiring/reflection/etc.)

Current song: The Reason
Artist: Hoobastank

Outside of that, now that exams are over, results coming out next week *yikes* there's still so much to do, and even now it feels like this short winter break is gonna pass by really fast. Damn it, it's not enough! xD At least, I'm enjoying it =) Even with a few shortcomings here and there, that can really put a damper onto things, but yeah, so much to do, so little time x) But it's best to go for it :D No idea when I'd have the opportunity later on anyways, once this semester is done, another crazy semester ahead, then into the workforce o.o

Many things in the future still remain in doubt... So I'm kinda unsure what's going to happen, so now I'm just letting time and nature takes it course.. whatever happens happens.

Just now a bunch of us went to watch KungFu Panda, while I did laugh a lot, I don't find it a spectacular show, but it is still a good watch :D It's like one of those shows that you'd watch once in the cinemas, at least for me xD But there's one good quote from the movie I like:

'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that's why it's called the present'

2 bites:

Anonymous said...

Music is just amazing like that <3 That's why I've grown to love music so much and The Reason = great song ^^ And aww even if it's just a short break, enjoy it as much as you can :D *huggles Ayin*

Rabid_Schnauzer said...

I still say it's crazy they way you folks have your "winter" in the middle of summer :p


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