My Head Hurts...

Most people around me knows how often I get headaches, and not migraines, but tension headaches T.T

Anyway, I always wondered what causes mine. It mainly attributes to stress, but sometimes even when I'm not *too* stressed, I get them. Well, usually when I wake up or so. With the doctor's advice, I try to relax more and exercise (which I'm failing the exercise bit atm), and dad tells me not to worry so much all the time. (ilu dad ^^) Doctor also tells me to watch my posture, sleep on a firm pillow and all that. I love my pillow. (Even if it's hard for some people).

From thinking that my posture might be the root of the problem, I adjusted my desk chair to make sure it's on a better level relative to my computer. But the headaches persist. Then it was only recently I realised that my sleeping posture does not seem right. While I have nice pillows and all that, with one that is shaped like those contour pillow things, I noticed that I tend to curl up sideways in my sleep. So that was keeping my head facing downwards, rather than facing sideways.

So yeah.. uhh... o.o *is trying not to curl up when sleeping now*

Ps. winter please go away and let spring come!

3 bites:

amacatlover said...

naz naz naz..
eh, diha dh tuka blog baru tau..

Nads said...

take care naz-chan... i knw how ur headache can be *hugs*

amacatlover said...

naz naz naz.. happy fasting! =)


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