Officially a Graduate

5 days, 4 nights, 15 hrs of flight, morning/noon flights.

Seriously not enough. I only managed to squeeze in 3 full days in Sydney. It wasn't a holiday. It was a trip. I wished I had more time, but it's ok, hopefully it pays off.

Most of it was spent on campus, surrounded by my dear friends, whom I really miss. Given my short time there, it allowed me to reflect back of all our friendships, and makes me ponder of how it's gonna be like from here onwards.

Nevertheless, it's a blessing. :)

Pics have been uploaded on facebook, tho it's not all of them. I wanna post one here sometime soon tho, once I find a fitting one for here xD

I wanted to type a lot more, but.. I keep getting distracted o.o *blames having 5 convos and tonnes of tabs open on firefox* :P

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