Dear Diary,

It seems unbelievable. I left for an 18 day trip. It felt like I was away for a month.

It was a lovely trip, every single moment was spent to its best. Aside from a longer stay, I felt like nothing could be better. :) There was a good feeling of satisfaction there.

I then attended a course after two days back at work. But beginning of that course, I started to become sick. That gave me another two days of medical leave as I was suspected of dengue. Thankfully, it was negative, but I was nevertheless punctured twice to get blood out of me :P

On the road to recovery, the fasting month has arrived. I'm not 100% recovered yet, so all these raya goodies are off limits ;_; Can't wait till I can savour them :D yummmm

This week was actually the first full week back in office. And I'm glaaaad that's over!

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