The annoying stuff continues this morning...

woke up late.

went to myuu's pc... glad that the SPSS Evaluation edition is there, waiting for me to install it...

so i installed the program... got my printer from my room, attached it to myuu's pc, and plugged in my thumb drive...

my thumb drive didn't appear on the network again... and this time, it's neither in the My Computers folder, nor the My Network Places folder...

after searching, plugging and unplugging, myuu finally told me to disconnect the current D: drive, which is one of his many archives... and instantly my thumb drive appeared in its position...

next is to open up the SPSS output from my thumb drive using the Evaluation version of SPSS on myuu's computer...

when openning the print preview, only two (out of about nine pages) showed up... i couldn't figure out what's wrong... played around with a lot of options and stuff on the printer options, settings, page setup.. whatever... still couldn't figure out what was wrong with the output... maybe it's the software itself... *shrugs*

so i just tried printing the output anyway... but as i click the "Print" button, bang! an error messages pop up, stating "Unspecified Error" *grrrrr*

it didn't even work, when i exported the output into a text document... only the titles appeared.. nothing else... the main reason my team didn't copy and paste the images, outputs and graphs, was mainly due to the fact that the image would turn out funny, hard to edit, and doesn't fit in the page at all...

i had no choice but to bring my printer to college...
as i was packing up, myuu IM-ed me saying that he's coming home, because it's my fault that I made him stay awake last night, downloading the SPSS software, and making him too tired to work.. i don't know.. *shrugs & sighs*

oh course, there are already people poking me at the fact that i didn't follow through my plans to stay in college from sunday till thursday... i knew that that was coming to me... and how naturally quick i am into heading to the residential college's public computers... yech *gives up*

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