Say ch33s3!

Thursday was a busy day... went to pick up my 512mb memory stick in Giant, and posted two resumes off... one to PNB, the other to Watson Wyatt... sadly, the person we addressed the resume to, in Watson Wyatt have been relocated... oh dear... i've no idea what will be of our resumes...

Anyhow, I'm starting to feel lazy again to apply to more places...

The test for QMT337 didn't seem so bad... but I've no idea how the finals will be like... therefore, i'm hunting for past exam papers online.. hopefully i can get an idea on how the finals for that course will be like... and other courses as well...

This morning, for sahur we had half-boiled eggs XD yummy! *pic in Still Snaps*
of course, we used a kettle to boil the eggs... we don't have a kitchen in college :-p

I had loads of fun with my camera, now with a bigger memory stick, I can take loads of pics, and about 22 minutes worth of video... i played with my camera so much, that my battery ran out... hahahaha.. it's the first time that it did...

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