Internship #3

Today's post is a lot later than usual... And that's mainly because I only goofed off in the office just half the morning, before i was assigned some work to do...

Lol.. So I was pretty much busy today... I had to analyze a set of raw data, and the size of the data was really really big... up to date, and compiled since 1984... a daily data, in fact... It was a bit scary though, because I'm not familiar with analyzing statistical stuff using Excel... so I could only managed the task by using an analyzed data as a sample and basis for doing mine...

I think I managed to do it properly... I hope xD

After lunch, I was given the task to extract raw data from a certain website... Data that was extraded consists of some sort of bond yields, and i needed to extract them fortnightly... so that's what i basically did, keying in the dates, and extracting the data... i managed to do it from the year 2002-2005, and then half of 1999, 2000 and half of 2001, before the website kicked me off... lol.. sorta... the website where i extracted data from just suddenly stop loading.... :p

But oh well... after lunch also, i felt really really sleepy... and was given the advice not to eat so much during lunch... but i can't help feeling very hungry by lunch time :D

Time to sleep... Night night! >.<

0 bites:


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