Internship #8 W2

There was nothing much to do today... Basically just waiting for the clients to give us all the data... Ha ha ha...

Anyway, after lunch, Li Fern briefed me on the process of valuation of retirement funds... And here's where Actuarial Maths comes in, for there is usage on mortality rates, turnoever rate, and even disability rates (where applicable)... Present Values, nPx, V^n all comes into the big picture.... :D

Seems pretty fun to do, actually... hahahaha... She also showed me a sample data, and all sorts of functions, formulae and short cuts that can be used on Microsoft Excel to help with the task of cleaning data... In the sample data that I had, apparently there was one employee who was born like a century ago, and still receiving salary and working till now... xD So that's an example of a data that I will have to check later...

Now, I'm gonna play with some data on Microsoft Excel, to familiarize myself with all those nifty short cuts and functions =^_^=

1 bites:

Nads said...

Tag, you're it!

P/s: Go to my blog if you're not sure why ;)


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