Happy Valentines... I know it's a day late :P

Internship #17 & #18 W4

Now it's basically going throught the same stuff all over again... well, not really...

Just did another proposal, and more reviews came in... Yesterday and today was mostly spent talking to ppl on the phone to request some information... One thing about being a consultant, that differs from the people in insurance firms, is that you liase with a big bunch of people... At least now I don't have that "shy" feeling of calling an unknown person... But I do have to brush up my talking skills... or whatever you call it.. haha... i often mumble, and maybe it'll be a lot easier once i understand everything about this industry... trustees, trust funds, benefits, contributions, and so on... especially since when i called to inquire fees and such, they ask me a lot of questions, and most of the time, i don't know what they're talking about... hahaha...

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