I'm tired of the same title...

Internship #16 W4

So my status will be displayed in the post, itself :P

Yesterday was another day of nothing much... So I'm given the task to call up a few companies to ask for the quotation of their services... Half of the companies/banks that I managed to get through, passed my call all over the place, till i got disconnected somewhere... :K:K:K argh

I was also exposed to another machinery in the office... the whole puncher, or something... it's a machine that can punches a hole on big stacks of documents... it's almost literally like a drill, where you turn the switch on, and it drills the hole into the paper... :P

That's all :P

Oooh... I went out with Rudy and Wan Yee to One Utama for some stuff... actually Anuar asked me to buy a valentines gift so that he can give it to his friend :P After that, both of the guys went out for yamcha with their friends, and i stayed home playin WoW :D:D:D

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