Culture? Race? Ethnics?

Coming from Malaysia, a multi-racial place that's known for the diversity in culture... Yet, racism to a certain extent, still exists... Heck, it exists everywhere, as much as we try to combat it, and integrate with each other...

I don't know how prevalent it is, in Malaysia, but from my observation since school times, most of the cliques that form, are by people of the same race... that is Malay with Malay, Chinese with Chinese, Indian with Indian... But of course, this is just a generalization, and not EVERYONE is like that...

-to be continued after I finish this darn report-

Nads said...

rasicm is always there. no matter how much we want to get rid of it,it will always be there. reality is that everyone wants their race to be a step ahead than the rest. it seldom is personal rather than for survival.

I got that comment from Nads, even before I actually got to finish this post xD *bites you* but yeah, I do agree to a certain extent :)

Actually, I had a lot to say, back then, when i started writing this post, but now, 10 days later, I kinda forgot what I wanted to say... but it did have a lot to do from observations, and added from studying Managing Across Cultures

It also stemmed up from the report I was working on, which was also for that mgmt subject, entitled Ethical Cultural Relativism: Bribery in USA and China, and in that report, we justified why bribery CAN be ethically RIGHT... go us :P

Anyhow, live's been a lot better now, finals up soon, and in a month's time, i'll be happily in my summer holidays... looking for a new place to stay.. studio apartment sounds awesome... maybe i'll rent a two bedroom apartment and rent out the rooms... we'll see

1 bites:

Nads said...

rasicm is always there. no matter how much we want to get rid of it,it will always be there. reality is that everyone wants their race to be a step ahead than the rest. it seldom is personal rather than for survival.


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