Today is the day...

After my last post, I stopped doing anything and just lied down on my bed and think... What if I could drop this subject and take the prerequisite, i thought...

It won't be easy, since I've passed the deadline for dropping courses... But the thought of putting it aside, and savage my other failing courses seems like a very good idea... But still... dropping it now will fail that actuarial course... but if i don't drop it, i failed it anyway :P

Dilemma... what to do?

After a lot of encouraging words from my family, I've finally accepted that I've failed this course, and to not worry about it anymore =) More important right now, is to buck up my other courses, which has been greatly affected due to my level of stress in trying to understand actl2003...

My dad words, were like: There will always be times, when things don't go the way you wanted or planned it to be... And when that happens, just tough, no use worrying about it...

And welcome to the real world...

Hehehe... *hugs him tight* Always made me feel comfortable when things go wrong... always help me accept things, when they really go wrong... =)

Okay =^_^=

So..., on Wednesday, I attended a dinner for recipients of the Golden Jubilee Scholarship...
During the dinner, I met with the Assoc Dean of my faculty... which is also the person who recruited me for the scholarship, i heard... he told me that if i have any problems, just contact him... so i did... :)

The Assoc Dean presenting the scholarship certificate to me =]
Pics at the dinner were taken by someone from the ISS =D

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