My Personality

So... the Career Research & Assessment Report was handed back to me yesterday, detailing my personality, strengths and weaknesses... and such.

Most of the stuff in the report was quite an accurate description of me, but there was this one part about me being approachable that didn't seem quite right... Perhaps because I am a quite reserved person, I was described as someone who may seem unfriendly and hard to approach, but I think that when the ice is broken, I'd be a very chatty and friendly person... well, that's what I think, I could be wrong.

Btw, again I wonder who frequents my blog xD Pls leave a comment if you do ;*

Back to what I was saying, the report outlined some of my characteristics:
  • I have high textual and numerical reasoning Smart :D 0:-)
  • I am extremely reserved, prefering to work alone I guess in a way I am reserved, but I do wish I could work better with people
  • I tend to be mistrusting of others, suspicious of others' motives and intentions, feeling like they're taking advantage of me This is kinda true.. unfortunately.. but yeah...
  • I'm unlikely to express disagreement in an effort to avoid conflict or argument Yeah... x.x
  • Slight tendency to worry about things ROFL, I get this all the time.. xD
  • Somewhat impatient with others and may become a little frustrated is things take too long or plans required to change True.... =/
My Self Development section made me laugh a bit, tho xD especially the Approachability part

Being reserved...

"People with similar results describe themselves as being quite happy working or spending time alone with creative activities, their computers or with machinery."

*thinks dancing, my vaio and the ps2*

Regarding Assertiveness

"Ask for what you want" I do try, but more often than not, I don't get what I want, so I usually don't ask... :P
"Be willing to say no at times" This is also a problem I face... o_o
"Be honest" depends on the situation.......................... I rant a lot, but I don't have the heart or w/e to tell a person straight...

Anyways, that was a bit of an insight of the report I received xD I definitely enjoyed reading it.. And now I have to go back to writing my essay about that.. :P

3 bites:

Anonymous said...

You are very friendly and chatty ^^ And looking at that outline, I think I have some of those characteristics as well especially the worrying one >.< But as you know, I only worry because I care =]

Nads said...

aiya... somehow true but don't take it too seriously... u can do better *hugs*

Steven said...

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