Finals is done.

And that concludes my first year in UNSW!

two or three more semesters to go, idk :P

two more days till I fly home, and experience the hotness of Malaysia o_O

hooray for shopping malls that stays OPEN after FIVE PM

3 bites:

amacatlover said...

naz!! hehe.. dh abes final eh?? =D
yess, msia is soo hot!! at night la.. pagi2 hujan jer..

Nads said...

aiya. sombong with malaysian weather. malaysian sun is ok la just remember to put on loads of sunblock xD

and yeah, YAY for shops open pass 5.00 p.m! now some malls open till midnight because of megasale *whee*

Anonymous said...

YAYY home ^^ I'm excited for you =D *huggles*


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