
今天我没去上课。因为我和老师和同学去吃饭在Anzac Parade.我们吃牛肉和菜。牛肉很好吃。中饭完以后我们去Easy Way就买饮料。我买一杯茶。那杯茶很好喝。太薄了。。。住你生日快乐,Yoke!



Oh, I'm also addicted to facebook now o.o Must bite more.. Must defeat Steven and Wei Hon in Traveller's IQ :K

2 bites:

Steven said...

no way i can beat 122 at the oceania one thouhg, beat me there already o.o

Anonymous said...

Facebook addict! :o I'm starting to get addicted as well though xD Must remember to draw you something later ;p


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