The Good and The Bad

The Good:

I got full marks for my first math assignment, which is data management for statistical analysis... which carries 10% into my final grade

But it's not something I would or could gloat about, being that the majority (I'm assuming) of the class got full marks too (yes, it was an easy assignment)

The Bad:

I failed my actuarial quiz.. again o.o; although I did better than my first quiz last semester; but still, especially being in a class full of outstanding students of the course, the pressure is there, and I can't help feeling how useless and hopeless I am day by day.

1 bites:

amacatlover said...

hang in there naz..
yang penting kite usaha!
now you know the feeling bile surrounded with outstanding students kan.. hmmm, just hang in there.. u can do it!

btw, alahai, diha terpilih background same ngan naz la.. hehe


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