Happy Ramadan Everyone =)

So, the fasting month is here again, and it's gonna take a bit of adjusting as usual ^_^

I even dreamt that I ate during the day o.o

Selamat berpuasa :)

My sleeping habits is out of hand again.. one day, I'm sleeping too much.. then the next day I'm sleeping only two hours.. o.o

Received another exam results back yesterday, thankfully I passed =) Altho barely.. not good, but I'm still thankful.

4 bites:

Baiti al-Jannati said...

Selamat Berpuasa!

Nads said...

Naz-chan, happy fasting xD

Nik Zaid Hanis said...

Happy Ramadhan...


Ayin said...

thanks everyone :)


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