It doesn't get any easier


I messed up my time series, especially the trend and seasonality analysis.. *hides* and submitted a half-done assignment...

Ah well, better than nothing =)

Because of that though, I missed like, 75% of my classes/lectures this week o.o *hides again*

Bal-chan and her friend stayed over at my place doing the assignment.. It's awesome to have company, but I was so slack, I didn't do much to help.. sorry ya :$

But I still love being here ^_^ I may have trodden on the education/career path that I do not fancy, but there's always a reason for everything, and things work out in their own way =)

At least, I'm heading towards a path that I won't come to regret, and I'm thankful for someone ;* and some people ^^

I'll be there :)

1 bites:

Anonymous said...

Ayin's a slacker *cough* heheh jk.. at least you got some of the assignment done, that's really better than not doing it all =)

*huggles Ayin* ty for the comment btw, it made me smile =) and ty for being a pwnsome friend who's there for me when I need them, I appreciate it lots ^^


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