and yet again...

from sheera (her blog so warna-warni)

"list down five things you enjoy in your life right now. when you're done, tag 6 other people."
  1. Holidays, even tho I'm not officially on holiday yet
  2. Housemates and friends, they're so much fun to be with ^^
  3. Youtube Facebook and Neopets, my boredom-killer xD
  4. the TV, because I get to watch House, sytycd and more
  5. My spacious room ;D
  6. Tagging the usuals, vanny, diha, nads, myuu, sindy, balqis
I'm soo lazy to do anything atm xD

2 bites:

Anonymous said...

eep tagged again ;o yay for blogging regularly? xD

Nads said...

the curse of blogging regularly xD


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