
Arrived at Cairns at about 12.15 pm, and for certain, the mood has improved a lot.

DAMN, it's so damn hot here, lmao. I guess it's partly preparation to be going home back to Malaysia after all these trips.

The internet at the hotel is so damn expensive too... 50 cents per MINUTE... and yes, i'm connected using that atm, but I'm not on for too long. Even with the 50% discount I'm getting (thus making it 25 cents/minute) it's still like, damn expensive o.o

Currently staying at the Rydges Esplanade, Cairns. The whole town was more than I expected. I was imagining a really small town, but it's big. Well, not THAT big, but it's big enough to not be able to cover every corner within a day x)

Tomorrow we're going for the 'intro diving', so it would be my first dive ever... Altho in general I'm not that big a fan of diving.. but it's like The Great Barrier Reef... o.o if I don't dive, I don't know what I'm doing at Cairns...


1 bites:

Anonymous said...

oh wow expensive x_x

ooh diving, must tell me about that experience whenever you get back and we catch up ^^


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