Becareful what you wish for..

Funny, just about two days ago I was wishing to have a day off to sleep in. Yesterday, I overslept :P Usually, I'm off to work by 7.15AM during Ramadan. I woke up at 7.20AM.

In addition, I had to drop by the ATM to get some cash to exchange for new notes, which was something I had to do between 8 - 10AM. The new notes is for raya. What's raya? See here.

Yesterday evening was rather interesting. We (the new trainees) were having some buka puasa event, and there were VVIPs. So we were assigned places onto three tables, where one VVIP was seated at each. I'm not assigned to the most VVIP of them, and I felt rather funny and somewhat underperforming. That's because sometimes.. or most times, I'm rather critical of myself and always want to look the best. (One of the ways is like being assigned to the most important table). Anyhow, blessing in disguise, since my table's VVIP had to leave early, and most of the others too, except the most VVIP, I get to leave early too :D

So? Becareful what you wish for ;)

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