September Stress flowing into October

Sometimes, being the pioneer of something can be so messed up. Expectations too. I got a feeling I'm going downwards in the 'up and down' cycle, if I've not already reached the bottom.

All my weekends, pretty much devoted for sailing. It's one of my priorities, and something I would not let go easily. I believe it's my right too... Which may result me in performing below expectations of other things.. like work.

Often I do wonder if I have too much on my plate. If me doing several different things stretches my time too few. Or am I not being efficient enough with my time at work? While in uni, I experimented with several different things. I remember letting some go in the end. It feels like I have to let more go soon. This makes my mind think of culture.

With the swirl of several cultures around us, how do I respond? Do I create/follow my own 'culture', whatever that may be, or does culture shape me? Some parties ask for change, and hope that we newbies can facilitate that change, but at the same time, we are already absorbing what is culture currently is. (Despite the numerous complains)

I wonder what's it like to be freelance o.o

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