Life goes on

In the last 4 months, I've lost 3 relatives. Two to cancer, one to old age.

Some hits you harder than others, regardless the cause. Yesterday's loss was one of the harder ones.

Some things are unpredictable, life and reality can hit you at any random time. When that happens, choices have to be made. These choices will affect others. I used to worry about the consequences of my choices, but now I tend to believe the best of others. :)

I was definitely not prepared for yesterday. But at least, I believe I made the right choices. If there was a right choice or wrong choice in the first place :P

Anyhow, I marveled at the fact that the rest of the world is oblivious to what's happening to a little family, showing how relatively minute we are in this big world.

How can I ever be prepared? Regardless on how big or small chances are for tragedy to strike, the chance is still there. Would that be enough reason to get some things in life done fast?

I remember once participating in a Relay for Life back in UNSW, and if there was one nearby KL now, I'd definitely try to go for it. There's one coming in June, but it's in Penang. So those nearby there.. try going for it!

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