Screw the assumptions

I can't be bothered to rethink stuff at times :P But anyhow, assumptions can be really dangerous, and should be treated with caution! With that, I won't elaborate further on my last post! :P

On the other hand, experiencing work is very life changing. One of the most challenging tasks for me, is prioritizing. Especially with many different stakeholders, I've gotta learn to understand the matters to attend to. And how to attend to them.

It's a very steep learning curve. I can only hope I'm forgiven for being darn slow :P

Seeing the world get darker from behind the office window, is certainly a weird feeling. To have most people still around, having dinner with you, also gives me a weird feeling. It's like, I've finally started to belong to the FS department.

Two steps at a time ^^ (or maybe 3)

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