Avoiding Responsibility

Random: funny so far the last three posts including today occurs on a day I filled up my car with petrol. I wonder if the sound of petrol entering my car fuel tank and the quiet sound of money going with it prompts me to write.

Responsibility. What a BIG word! Literally. So much can be said about this. But I'm not really a big fan of looong winding po'sts, so I'm just gonna write about how I am afraid to take on responsibility in a type of situation.


When I refer someone to something, I always worry about how the people involved feel. Like today I got two friends to sail with Jeff, and I can't help wondering if they're happy with today's sailing, and if Jeff's happy having the two on board.

If I refer some people, to a massage centre that I like, they may not like it! And if that happens, I'd feel responsible for them being unhappy.

Referring someone to the office?

Referring a friend to another friend?

These situations do exist, though with my tendency to worry, I'm often pessimistic with the outcome.

As time goes by, I'm trying to care less about things. I wonder how that may affect my responsible taking. But hey, like dad once said, there will be times when things don't go according to plan. Tough. Move on. :)

Let's be optimistic!

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