I'm Still At Home.. o.O

When I'm supposed to be in Pattaya right now!

Oh wells. ICBG got postponed on Monday. Only now I'm able to say something about it after we've all cooled down a bit at the frustration (not about not being able to go, but more so that we have to train much more till goodness knows when)

I can't remember much on what happened the week before, aside from daily training and sailing on the weekend. We managed first in the first series :D As for the platu series.. I'm kinda using it as a teaching/recruiting platform.. one at a time ;) Also, I bought Simcity on my iPhone.. Love it love it love it! Cost about 9.5 ringgit only! (For a game like that!). Sims 3 on my wishlist.. haha. No.. not planning to jailbreak. :p

This week.. a lil crazy. Sorting out the team a bit, training and stuff. Cheques, budget, rules, etc. etc. eek! That's not so much the crazy part tho. Just the part getting a bit sick, and not because I just took the h1n1 jab/vaccine, whatever you call it. It may seem that I throw up easily and stuff cuz my tummy's full of wind o.o Caused by eating too fast xD So trying to slow down my eating! But the sucky part was going to the panel clinic, since HR rejected my claims when I went to my family doctor -.- I waited about an hour, while I was only second in line, but the doctor had to dress up someone (what are nurses for?) and that took ages. Then the patient in line before me took ages. Then I took less than five minutes. I got prescribed stuff that I had over a month ago. I just wanna cure what's causing all this, not just the symptoms x.x So I just went to the pharmacy instead and became my own doctor.. :p haha, and feeling much better already. (thanks to googled stuff too!)

Anyhow, 7 more weeks to my big trip the 2nd! :D

0 bites:


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