How inconvenient...

Wednesday, I shook the house because of non-stop coughing... and so... I went to see a doctor...

In her opinion, I'm suffering from Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (Acute) and was given Medical Leave till Friday

And that's how I screwed myself up in the early semester...

I already missed lectures on Monday due to that fainting incident, and so missed the monday actuarial lecture...

Wednesday I went to my one and only lecture for that day, and almost slept in the lecture...

Then I missed a load of lectures on Thursday, because I was feeling kinda tired and weak...

And now, I still have all the sickness that doesn't seem to be improving my mood, and with three assessments happening in the VERY VERY near future... *throws caution into the wind*

Next Monday, I have a test (7.5%)... for Actuarial Studies... and I very well know I can't catch up 1 month of lectures in one weekend, even if I regained total health... Especially when I've always been clueless in the hall...

Then the day after that, I have an Financial Accounting Quiz (10%)... double crap... i still haven't caught up with the lessons and such... trying to bridge the info i learnt about accounthing 3 yrs ago... not as easy at it seems

And what am I doing now? I'm writing, no... trying to write my critical analysis assignment, due on Tuesday, and also weighs 10 % for my final assessment. triple crap.


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