Geram :K

I'm just still so upset at what happened earlier this week =/ I'm sure a lot of ppl won't understand what I'm talking about... and just tell me to not worry about it anymore, and focus on my classes and such...

But it still lingers...

Another trusted person gone.. I guess I trust ppl too much... I guess I cared too much... I wish I can just deleted those two things, and just be selfish for my own good...

Btw, *pokes that certain person*, don't laugh at me :P xD

Ada seorang kawan baik... tiba-tiba, disebabkan orang lain, dia terus menghentikan persahabatan kita... sampai sekarang, terasa amat sedih, terharu dan geram =/
Bleh.. forget my malay :P I can't think, around this time, after writting a long e-mail earlier...

Such is life... bittersweet, yet now it's just bitter.

It will be sweet again... one day

3 bites:

balqisJ said...

are you okay?
your post sounds like you're so dissapointed...

I can understand your situation
I've been through that as well..
:) happy,k?

Take care...:)

Ayin said...

Thanks Bal
*huggles tight* can't wait till you come here

Don't be nervous and don't worry too much, take it easy :)


balqisJ said...

thanks naz...

I'll try my best to reduce this 'worrying' feeling...hehe

Can't wait to meet you, too..:)
Can't wait to see you

and you're getting older in few days..
welcome to the club..ehehe..:)


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