High Context vs Low Context

Ever wonder the reason when one seems to avoid you? Or when one ignores you?

It's hard to understand people, since there's so many unique people around. When I see friends, who seem down, I always wonder what am I supposed to do. It freaks me out thinking that am I the one causing the problem? But how can I know?

I've never actually been good with emotions. When I see a friend that is down, my first reaction would be to avoid. And my reasoning is fear. I fear that I would do the wrong things, or do things that I myself hate when done unto me. So how can I be a friend in need?

This often happens in a much high context culture... The opposite end of low context cultures where they speak more direct.

I'm not assertive.. haha, I have a lot of high context, I guess, but in my situation, it just don't work as well. So sometimes I just say it how it is (usually blurting out stuff when I'm not thinking, haha). How I'd like it to be. And also hope that by being honest, others would understand me better.

Haha, as if :P

Basically I won't know if you won't/don't tell me. And from that, I guess you can't expect anything when you don't know it.

While I do pick up hints pretty easily, it just leaves me speculating, and I don't want to jump onto the wrong conclusions.
But this is inevitable in a more high context society... So speaking up may sometimes hurt or offend.

Don't you just love the complexity of humans and human behaviour? :P What is it actually that we fear that prevents us from speaking up?
  • The feeling of guilt?
  • Possible loss of friendship(s)?
  • Chain hating?
  • Discomfort being close to that person in the future?
  • Being proven wrong?
  • -Insert reason here-
Hehe, a lot applies to me..

*shuts up for now*

2 bites:

Anonymous said...

Humans and human behavior is quite complex, since each individual has his/her own perspective on things. But that is what makes us unique, I suppose.

I think maybe sometimes people have a fear of opening up because they're afraid what someone else may think of them or their situations. I know I've had that fear a lot, thus sometimes keeping things to myself rather than sharing.

I understand what you're getting at though. I think sometimes people need time and space to get through whatever it is, thus it may seem like they're avoiding or ignoring you. But I don't know, it is all so complex since everyone is so different and all.

Don't let it get you down too much though =) *stares at comment length again* I hope it all makes sense xD

Nads said...


Opening up is not so easy and it's understandable. It does take an amount of courage and trust =)

Space and time is always important no matter what.



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