Questions and Painful Legs

*how was hockey?

Despite the annoying delay of all the matches by 40 minutes, and the fact that I'm so unfit, I did not faint on the field, and I really enjoyed the game. We came out 3rd out of 3 teams, but I had a lot of fun. I know I'd do it again next year.

Why did I take it up? I remembered holding the hockey stick once at school, and tried to stop a ball and hit it away. I quite liked that feeling. But never had the chance. And here, the girls team did not have enough players to even make a full field team. That's where I come in.

*how was the party?

The hockey matches delay and the captain's insisting on me staying for the last game (which weren't ours), caused all my plans on Saturday to go whacky. So doing all sorts of stuff in between, for the sake of getting things done at a cheaper 'price', totally wore me out before the party.

Because of doing errands, I caused April (who carpooled with me) and myself to be late for the dance class (part of the hen party). Thankfully, the trainer was late too, due to a flat tyre. We danced to "Single Ladies" by Beyonce, I've the video.. not sure if I'll upload it.. hmm ;o

Then rushed to Azura's place to shower and change for the dinner. I was famished by then, cuz of the hockey, I kinda missed lunch.

Dinner was ok, just thought my portion was a bit small, even tho it was one of the more expensive stuff on the menu. I was famished okay.. The place didn't really do much dancing.. But I was fine with that, I'm just too tired by night time.

*how was sailing?

Sailing started off ok, after a rough bump with arrangements. Imagine trying to arrange time and transport and stuff in the party while there's loud music and lots of people chatting around you. I felt a bit bad being antisocial.

The hectic part partially comes because I was taking Anuar sailing as well. Besides him getting back into sailing, he has to complete his CAS stuff for his International Baccalaureate by collecting more Activity hours. I couldn't confirm till that night if he had a spot on the boat as it was subjected to the owner's approval...

Then sailing itself was ok, we managed first after a long 1.5 hr race, but only fared 2nd in the 2nd race. At least it was a much shorter race back to the club.

Hurriedly ate some snacks, then drove back, stopping by at KFC for some dinner.

And so here I am, back at home, preparing for work and other things.

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