Is the trend building up?

I remember someone (who was relatively a lot older than me) told me once. At around my age, we go about attending weddings or parties of newborns. Wherelse, people her age go around attending funerals.

And yet another person I knew since young has passed on. Sudden like the last? Perhaps so, but in entirely different circumstances. This time from a motor accident (Tho the actual cause may be surgery complications). The date of departure was yesterday, exactly a month after the passing of my aunt.

Often I'm reminded that my life here is a gift. And anytime, it may just disappear. All of us assume that it will last a very very long time. How safe is that assumption? But to be fair, what else can you assume?

Then come the quotes. Live today like there's no tomorrow, and such.

Nevertheless, life again, goes on. But it is always changing, no matter how much we resist naturally. Does embracing and adapting to change makes one live a happy life?

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