What the heck am I doing?

I remember giving up a bunch of stuff. On the basis that I lack time, now that I've started working.

And here I am, trying out and being committed to new stuff. Well, and some old stuff too.

Like this week,

Monday - Squash
Tuesday - Chess
Wednesday - Squash
Thursday - Chess (which I kinda skipped today)
Friday - Chess
Saturday - Hockey & Hen Party
Sunday - Sailing

Then there's still next week
Monday - Chess

And I'm too tired now to think beyond that. :P

Then again, I realised today, that some of the activities I've given up upon, lacked one important factor: friends

Is it peer pressure? I don't think so. I do admit I do enjoy these activities. And often I'm envious of some people in my department who seem to be doing twice the stuff I'm doing. Some with families too! How does one juggle the time? How much sleep do they get? o.O

Maybe if I had a cat! I'd be compelled to go home earlier :D

Still, I'm questioning myself: Lots of people say my health issues is due to stress. Are all these activities relief the stress, or add to it?

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