Life is like a rollercoaster

Is what we always here, full of ups and downs... But I know I don't really enjoy rollercoasters, eek! xD

Anyway, after a terrible terrible Tuesday, Wednesday was a great and awesome day. Finally I received my modem and I'm now connected thru ADSL2+, whatever that is...

Trying to set the modem up was hilarious.. I opened the manual, and it's like a foreign language to me. Paged someone on my MSN, but he didn't know how xD

Good thing for IRC, thanks a million, wired =^_^=

Also thankful for a certain and very special friend, for listening out to my problems and caring for me ^^

So much to do still, I need to do shopping and household chores, but I'm just hopelessly addicted to the internet xD

Today was the last day of Mandarin 1A Class. We had a substitute teacher, but she was fun, lol... Hope to see some of my classmates again... Altho I do know I'll be seeing some of them next week, when we move on to our next level =^_^=

Zai jian!

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