Happy New Year~!

A very Happy New Year to everyone... Hope the new year brings happiness and prosperity... :D

Too bad for me, I was supposed to go to the city to see the fireworks and such, but my friend had to cancel out, so I stayed home... Was having a good chat with Steven, Nannerz, Jack, Java and Reece... till about 10.30 PM, I was feeling terribly sleepy... wahahaha... Guess it's a good thing I didn't go out afterall... So I went to bed, and slept thru the new years...

Not surprising, tho.. considering that almost everyday of my holiday, I've been waking up between 6-7 AM in the morning... Especially since the sun is up so early, and my room is facing east x.x ah well... i still have black cardboard/paper in my shopping list ;)

Anyhow, I talked with Zaid around 2 am my time... made me a bit confused... especially since I was 3/4 asleep when he called... *shrugs anyway*

After my last post, I had a good chat with my dad and brothers on the phone... Mum's in Indonesia with my uncle for the new years... Then, I had a lot to think about... But looking beyond 2006, I start to recall why I decided to do the things I did... I start to recall why I took up actuarial science... I remembered a lot of things, look through a bunch of old stuff in my computer, and realized, that I'm just going through a bit of a 'down part' in life, and entering the New Year, I'm gonna look at things in a more optimistic view.

2 bites:

Nads said...

Stop being an internet addict =P
Go out, shop, sail, surf, watch tv, anything that is not the internet xD

Ayin said...

Haha, trying, trying =D
Go out = dunno where to go :P and kawan all balik their country.. maybe when my mandarin classes starts :P
Shop = ya, i still shop, esp then i need groceries xD but can't carry so much with one hand.. wahaha, i need my kelisa
Sail/Surf = still waiting for coachie :P
Watch tv = sadly I don't have a tv yet in this house xD


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