A New Year, A New Beginning

Well... 2006 is done.. and there's so much to think about, so much to look forward to, in the new year...

I've made some decisions, which I may, may not regret, but it definitely kept me thinking every single time I have... I just need time.. time to think, time to find out what I want, what I like... Making that decision and actually delivering it to you, was really the most awkward thing I've ever done so far... Time will tell :)

So. This morning I called up Telstra again, and I'm gonna get a room phone connected xD Can't wait! can't wait!

Also, I read from myuu's blog about my dad involved in an accident... Immediately I texted my dad and at the same time wish him Happy New Year, and he called me up and we talked about it... Darn driver who red-lighted :K:K:K and also lied in the police station! :K:K But thank goodness, my dad is injury-free, altho not the same for the passengers in the other car... And now the blue car is a wreck again... just shortly after it was fixed.... *sigh*

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